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Vassāna Season 2024 Weekly Daham Sisila Dhamma Dana Pooja Blessings Programme

July 21, 2024 @ 8:00 am - November 24, 2024 @ 9:00 pm

වස්සාන සමයේ විශේෂ පිංකම් මාළාව 2024

You all are kindly invited to attend our Regular Weekly Special Pooja Blessings Dhamma Programmes on Every Sunday Evening during this Vassāna Season.

Milton Keynes Vihara
Ayan Vassāna kālō  –  This is the Rains Retreat Season

මිල්ටන් කීන්ස් විහාරය
අයං වස්සාන කාලෝ‍   –   මේ ආධ්‍යාත්මික වස්සාන කාලයයි.

Special Meritorious ceremony hosts every Sunday evening at 6PM During the Vassāna (Spiritual Rains Retreat) Season.
වස්සාන සමයේ සෑම ඉරු දිනකම සවස 6ට පවත්වන විශේෂ පිංකම

All Are welcome to attend to share the merits.
පිං කැමති සියල්ලෝම සහභාගී වෙත්වා!

Sabba Danam Dhamma Danam Jinati. – Dhamma Dana is the highest form of Dana.
ධම්ම දානං සබ්බ දානං ජිනාති. ධර්ම දානය සියළු දාන අතුරින් ශේෂ්ඨය‍‍.

Programme Time: (ending time may be different according to the programme of the week)
6PM: Bodhi Pooja Homage
6.20PM: Sinhala Dhamma Talk
6.40PM: English Dhamma Talk
7.10PM: Meditation & Chanting Dhamma Chakkha Pavattana Sutta and Blessings ධම්ම චක්ක පවත්තන සූත්‍ර දේශනාව සහ සෙත් පිරිත් සජ්ඣායනය
7.40PM: Sharing Refreshments

Programme is conducted by:
Venerable Akurala Samitha Thera and other venerable monks at the vihara.

This is a regular Dhamma Dana Pinkama.
If you would like to sponsor any of these Sunday programmes & gain the Highest Dhamma Dana merits blessings, please let us know.

Sabba Danam Dhamma Danam Jinati. – Dhamma Dana is the highest form of Dana.
ධම්ම දානං සබ්බ දානං ජිනාති. ධර්ම දානය සියළු දාන අතුරින් ශේෂ්ඨය‍‍.

Join Zoom Online Temple or Onsite:

Our Zoom Online link is:

Meeting ID: 994 8149 4656
Password: 537567

ඔබ සැමට තුනුරුවන් සරණයි
May you all be well and happy!



For Sponsorships of this rare occasion or Other Information, Please Contact The Centre.
මෙම අනගි අවස්ථාවට දායකවීමට සහ වැඩි විස්තර සදහා විහාරස්ථානය අමතන්න.

All Are Cordially Welcome..!
සැමට මෙත් සිතින් ආරාධනා!

Ways to Sponsor and help:
මෙම වස් තුන් මාසය පුරා පැවැත්වෙන පිංකම් මාලාවේ දායකත්වය ලබා ගැනීම හෝ ඊට සම්බන්ද විය හැකි ක්‍රම:

🌻 Sponsor one of 12 Weekly Pooja: A suggested donation for one of the 12 weekly poojas is £100/=, in addition to preparing the pooja items such as flowers, gilanpasa, lights, etc. It is possible to request a Dhamma activity of your preference on the day of your sponsored pooja (e.g., Bodhi Pooja, Mawpiya Vandana, Offering of Medicinal Requisites, Talk by invited monk, etc.)

🌻 Sponsor Atavisi (28) Sambuddha Poojava on Sunday 24th September at 6PM:
🌷 One of 28 Buddha Pooja (suggested donation £100/=. This includes all pooja items for one of the 28 SamBuddha Poojava such as an Atapirikara, a Robe & a Gilanpasa tray with flowers incense etc.)

Or offering items separately such as
offering of

🌷 An Atapirikara අටපිරිකර (Suggested Donation £50/=)
🌷 A Robe (Cheevara) සිවුරැ (චීවර) (Suggested Donation £30/=)
🌷 A Full Gilanpasa Flowers Light Incense Pooja Tray සම්පූර්ණ ගිලන්පස මල් පහන් සුවදදුම් බන්දේසිය. (Suggested donation £15/=)
🌷 by any other general donation.

Note: Although donations for sponsorship have been suggested, you are welcome to donate any amount you feel able to

Forthcoming Event Dates and Availabilities for Sponsoring
During the 2024 Vassāna Season Three Months Spiritual Retreat at Milton Keynes Vihāra:
මිල්ටන් කීන්ස් විහාරයේ 2024 වස්සාන තුන් මාස සමයේ ඉදිරියට පැවැත්වෙන
විශේෂ පිංකම් සහ දායකත්වයන් ලබා ගත හැකි අවස්ථා:

🌷 Sunday 28th July at 6PM
Sponsored: Prof Arosha & Mrs Uthpala Bandara Family.

🌷 Sunday 04th August at 6PM
Sponsored: Mr Charith and Mrs Suwoda Mirando and family.

🌷 Sunday 11th August at 6PM
Sponsored: Mr Kasup and Mrs Asvini De Silva and Family.

🌷 Sunday 18th August at 6PM
නිකිණි පුර පසළොස්වක පොහොය Nikini Full Moon Poya Day
Sponsored: Mrs Kumudu Wanithunga, Dr Harsha Gunasekara, Mrs Nayomi, Nikini, Oliver and Family

🌷 Sunday 25th August at 6PM
Sponsored: Mr Upul & Mrs Nadeesha and family.

🌷 Sunday 01st September at 6PM
Sponsored: Mr Shakthi and Mrs Diluja Abeygunawardena and family.

🌷 Sunday 08th September at 6PM

Sponsors Needed:

Sponsors and things needed 28 SamBuddha poojava or to offer Robes or Atapirikaare are posted as a separate event on our website.

Atavisi Buddha Pooja to mark the end of the rainy retreat season
Find devotees to sponsor
28 gilanpasa trays (£15 each)
28 robes (cheevara) (£30/= each)
28 or few Atapirikara (£50/= each)
වස්කාලය අවසන් කිරීම නිමිත්තෙන් පවත්වන අටවිසි සම්බුද්ධ පූජාව

🌷 Sunday 15th September at 6PM
Sponsored: Mrs Kumudu Gunasekara and Danuka Putha and family.

🌷 Sunday 22nd September at 6PM
Binara Full Moon Poya Day & බිනර පුර පසළොස්වක පොහෝ දිනය 

Sponsored: Mr Kolitha & Mrs Wayomi Navaratne and Family.

🌷 Sunday 29th September at 6PM
Sponsored: Dr Shantha & Mrs Ranji Godagama and Family.

🌷 Sunday 06th October at 6PM
Sponsored: Mr Sunjeewa and Mrs Shashika Jayawardena and family

🌷 Sunday 13th October at 6PM 
Sponsored: Mrs Nelum Withanage and family.
Sponsored: Mrs Yasa Amarasinghe and Family.
Vap Full Moon Poya Day
Marks the end of Vassana Rains Retreat Season and marks the beginning of the robe offering month.
වප් පුර පසළොස්වක පොහොය දිනය වස්සාන කාලයේ නිමාව සනිටු හන් කරයි. චීවර මාසයේ ආරම්භය සනිටුහන් කරයි.

🌷 Sunday 20th October at 6PM
Sponsored: Mrs Dr Sharmala Bandaranayake, Dr Anura Liyange, Chiran and Rishni and Family

🌷 Sunday 27th October at 6PM
Sponsored: Mr Nirosh, Mrs Rajika Wijenayake Chelsea and Chenuli and family.

🌷 Sunday 03rd November at 6PM
Sponsored: Mrs Shreeni, Dr Dinuka De Silva and Family.
Sponsored: Dr Niresha Sirinanda and Family.

🌷 Sunday 10th November at 6PM
Sponsor Needed: Mrs Chandi and family.

🌷 Sunday 16th November at 6PM
Ill Full Moon Poya Day & Kathina Ceremony (15 monks).
වාර්ෂික කඨින පිංකම මිල්ටන් කීන්ස් විහාරය
Sponsored: Main Sponsor of Kathina 2024 &
Sponsorship opportunities for members of the community

🌷 Sunday 17th November at 6PM
Ill Full Moon Poya Day
Sponsor Needed:

Il Full Moon Poya Day that marks the end of Robes (Cheevara) offering month
චීවර මාසය නිමා වන ඉල් පුර පසළොස්වක පොහෝදිනය



July 21, 2024 @ 8:00 am
November 24, 2024 @ 9:00 pm