Milton Keynes Community

Serving Milton Keynes

MK Vihara offers a wide range of wellbeing services to the public of Milton Keynes. We welcome all into our Vihara and believe in equality and interconnectedness of us all irrespective of faith, belief, race, gender, disability, social and sexual orientation. What we all have in common far outweighs any perceived differences. 

The majority of our services to the general public, including the teaching of mindfulness, are provided on a secular basis. Mindfulness is widely recognised as a practice that can improve one’s emotional and psychological wellbeing. Our overall ethos and culture are deeply rooted in the teachings common to most world religions and belief systems (including that of no faith or belief). The noble qualities of loving kindness, compassion, patience, tolerance and humility are considered as key ingredients for a peaceful and benevolent society. The teachings of the Buddha, which we are most familiar with includes all of the above, and provide a sound framework offering practical techniques with lasting and often permanent solutions for people with stress, anxiety, and related conditions. Bhante Samitha, the Head of our Vihara, is a qualified and highly experienced professional in providing such help.

Services Provided

  • Regular onsite and online mindfulness courses for the public
  • Buddhist Psychotherapy and counselling sessions for the public
  • Instructions in the application of Mindfulness for MK Police Officers
  • Buddhist Chaplaincy Services and bereavement support for the NHS
  • Mindfulness courses for students at Milton Keynes College
  • Supporting voluntary activities (recent collaboration with Lovat Fields Retirement Village in Willen to provide assistance to hospitals in Sri Lanka).
  • Supporting and representing Teaching and Learning in Milton Keynes Schools as a Member of SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)
  • A supplementary school for children teaching Buddhism and Mindfulness Center for the study of Theravada Buddhism
  • Supporting Milton Keynes interfaith activities
  • Support and encourage supervised visits from schools, youth organisations and organisations providing rehabilitation and recovery.
  • Religious Services for the Milton Keynes Theravada Buddhist Community.