Every Sunday 7.30PM till 9PM anyone can drop in
Beginners Mindfulness Practitioners Every Thursday – 7PM – 9PM Or Every Wednesday 9.30AM – 11AM
Advanced Mindfulness Practitioners Every Wednesday – 7PM – 9PM
Course Drop in Contribution: £10 per session
Any One Can Drop For Mindfulness Meditation Practice: Every Sunday – 7.30PM – 9PM or Wednesday 9.30AM till 11AM
Sunday Drop In Cost: Non Members £10 per session. Members are free.
Places are limited. Pre-Booking needed by text on 07944 13 53 14 or 07983 466 105 or phone: 01462 641 688 or email: buddhistacademy@gmail.com
Drop-In Mindfulness Meditation Session helps everyone to keep the practice strengthen. These sessions further explain the practices and look after the practitioners in more supportive environments to grow in mindfulness way of living for life. Those who have done Introduction Course, They can drop in to every Thursday. Those who have done Advanced Course, they can drop into every Wednesday. At our centre, Wake up to a Life in a Peaceful Meditation Sanctuary. Regular mediators can drop-in to meet and begin to investigate meditation in a friendly and relax atmosphere. Vipassana practices.